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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


Decorator that marks a DOM property or an element class, style or attribute as a host-binding property and supplies configuration metadata. Angular automatically checks host bindings during change detection, and if a binding changes it updates the host element of the directive.


The DOM property that is bound to a data property. This field also accepts:

  • classes, prefixed by class.
  • styles, prefixed by style.
  • attributes, prefixed by attr.


The DOM property that is bound to a data property. This field also accepts:

  • classes, prefixed by class.
  • styles, prefixed by style.
  • attributes, prefixed by attr.
      hostPropertyName?: string

Usage notes

The following example creates a directive that sets the valid and invalid class, a style color, and an id on the DOM element that has an ngModel directive on it.

      @Directive({selector: '[ngModel]'})
class NgModelStatus {
  constructor(public control: NgModel) {}
  // class bindings
  @HostBinding('class.valid') get valid() { return this.control.valid; }
  @HostBinding('class.invalid') get invalid() { return this.control.invalid; }

  // style binding
  @HostBinding('style.color') get color() { return this.control.valid ? 'green': 'red'; }

  // style binding also supports a style unit extension
  @HostBinding('style.width.px') @Input() width: number = 500;

  // attribute binding
  @Input() required: boolean = false;

  // property binding
  @HostBinding('id') get id() { return this.control.value?.length ? 'odd':  'even'; }

  selector: 'app',
  template: `<input [(ngModel)]="prop">`,
class App {