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Search Results
api (789)
- $localize
- $locationShim
- $locationShimProvider
- <ng-container>
- <ng-content>
- <ng-template>
- @defer
- @for
- @if
- @switch
- AbstractControl
- AbstractControlDirective
- AbstractControlOptions
- AbstractFormGroupDirective
- AbstractType
- ActivatedRoute
- ActivatedRouteSnapshot
- ActivationEnd
- ActivationStart
- AfterContentChecked
- AfterContentInit
- afterNextRender()
- afterRender()
- AfterRenderOptions
- AfterRenderPhase
- AfterRenderRef
- AfterViewChecked
- AfterViewInit
- AngularJSUrlCodec
- animate()
- animateChild()
- AnimateChildOptions
- AnimateTimings
- animation()
- AnimationAnimateChildMetadata
- AnimationAnimateMetadata
- AnimationAnimateRefMetadata
- AnimationBuilder
- AnimationDriver
- AnimationEvent
- AnimationFactory
- AnimationGroupMetadata
- AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata
- AnimationMetadata
- AnimationMetadataType
- AnimationOptions
- AnimationPlayer
- AnimationQueryMetadata
- AnimationQueryOptions
- AnimationReferenceMetadata
- animations package
- animations/browser package
- animations/browser/testing package
- AnimationSequenceMetadata
- AnimationStaggerMetadata
- AnimationStateMetadata
- AnimationStyleMetadata
- AnimationTransitionMetadata
- AnimationTriggerMetadata
- API List
- ApplicationConfig
- ApplicationInitStatus
- ApplicationModule
- ApplicationRef
- asNativeElements()
- assertInInjectionContext()
- assertNotInReactiveContext()
- assertPlatform()
- AsyncPipe
- AsyncValidator
- AsyncValidatorFn
- Attribute
- BaseRouteReuseStrategy
- booleanAttribute()
- bootstrapApplication()
- BootstrapOptions
- BrowserAnimationsModule
- BrowserAnimationsModuleConfig
- BrowserDynamicTestingModule
- BrowserModule
- BrowserPlatformLocation
- BrowserTestingModule
- By
- CanActivateChildFn
- CanActivateFn
- CanDeactivateFn
- CanMatchFn
- ChangeDetectionStrategy
- ChangeDetectorRef
- CheckboxControlValueAccessor
- CheckboxRequiredValidator
- ChildActivationEnd
- ChildActivationStart
- ChildrenOutletContexts
- ClassSansProvider
- clearTranslations()
- common package
- common/http package
- common/http/testing package
- common/testing package
- common/upgrade package
- CommonModule
- CompilerOptions
- Component
- ComponentFixture
- ComponentFixtureAutoDetect
- ComponentFixtureNoNgZone
- ComponentMirror
- ComponentRef
- computed()
- ConstructorProvider
- ConstructorSansProvider
- ContentChild
- contentChild
- ContentChildFunction
- ContentChildren
- contentChildren()
- ControlConfig
- ControlContainer
- ControlValueAccessor
- convertToParamMap()
- createAngularJSTestingModule()
- createAngularTestingModule()
- createApplication()
- createComponent()
- CreateComputedOptions
- createCustomElement()
- CreateEffectOptions
- createEnvironmentInjector()
- createNgModule()
- createPlatform()
- createPlatformFactory()
- CreateSignalOptions
- createUrlTreeFromSnapshot()
- CurrencyPipe
- Data
- DatePipe
- DatePipeConfig
- DebugElement
- DebugEventListener
- DebugNode
- DebugTracingFeature
- DecimalPipe
- DefaultExport
- DefaultTitleStrategy
- defaultUrlMatcher()
- DefaultUrlSerializer
- DefaultValueAccessor
- DeferBlockBehavior
- DeferBlockFixture
- DeferBlockState
- DeprecatedGuard
- destroyPlatform()
- DestroyRef
- DetachedRouteHandle
- Directive
- disableDebugTools()
- DisabledInitialNavigationFeature
- discardPeriodicTasks()
- DoBootstrap
- DoCheck
- DomSanitizer
- downgradeComponent()
- downgradeInjectable()
- downgradeModule()
- effect()
- EffectCleanupFn
- EffectCleanupRegisterFn
- EffectRef
- ElementRef
- elements package
- EmailValidator
- EmbeddedViewRef
- EnabledBlockingInitialNavigationFeature
- enableDebugTools()
- enableProdMode()
- EnvironmentInjector
- EnvironmentProviders
- ErrorHandler
- Event
- EventEmitter
- EventManager
- EventManagerPlugin
- EventType
- ExistingProvider
- ExistingSansProvider
- ExtraOptions
- FactorySansProvider
- fakeAsync()
- FetchBackend
- flush()
- flushMicrotasks()
- Form
- FormArray
- FormArrayName
- formatCurrency()
- formatDate()
- formatNumber()
- formatPercent()
- FormatWidth
- FormBuilder
- FormControl
- FormControlDirective
- FormControlName
- FormControlOptions
- FormControlState
- FormControlStatus
- FormGroup
- FormGroupDirective
- FormGroupName
- FormRecord
- forms package
- FormsModule
- FormStyle
- forwardRef()
- ForwardRefFn
- getAngularJSGlobal()
- getCurrencySymbol()
- getDebugNode()
- getLocaleCurrencyCode()
- getLocaleCurrencyName()
- getLocaleCurrencySymbol()
- getLocaleDateFormat()
- getLocaleDateTimeFormat()
- getLocaleDayNames()
- getLocaleDayPeriods()
- getLocaleDirection()
- getLocaleEraNames()
- getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules()
- getLocaleExtraDayPeriods()
- getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek()
- getLocaleId()
- getLocaleMonthNames()
- getLocaleNumberFormat()
- getLocaleNumberSymbol()
- getLocalePluralCase()
- getLocaleTimeFormat()
- getLocaleWeekEndRange()
- getNgModuleById()
- getNumberOfCurrencyDigits()
- getPlatform()
- GetTestability
- getTestBed()
- group()
- GuardResult
- GuardsCheckEnd
- GuardsCheckStart
- HammerGestureConfig
- HammerLoader
- HammerModule
- HashLocationStrategy
- Host
- HostAttributeToken
- HostBinding
- HostListener
- HttpBackend
- HttpClient
- HttpClientJsonpModule
- HttpClientModule
- HttpClientTestingModule
- HttpClientXsrfModule
- HttpContext
- HttpContextToken
- HttpDownloadProgressEvent
- HttpErrorResponse
- HttpEvent
- HttpEventType
- HttpFeature
- HttpFeatureKind
- HttpHandler
- HttpHandlerFn
- HttpHeaderResponse
- HttpHeaders
- HttpInterceptor
- HttpInterceptorFn
- HttpParameterCodec
- HttpParams
- HttpParamsOptions
- HttpProgressEvent
- HttpRequest
- HttpResponse
- HttpResponseBase
- HttpSentEvent
- HttpStatusCode
- HttpTestingController
- HttpTransferCacheOptions
- HttpUploadProgressEvent
- HttpUrlEncodingCodec
- HttpUserEvent
- HttpXhrBackend
- HttpXsrfTokenExtractor
- HydrationFeature
- HydrationFeatureKind
- I18nPluralPipe
- I18nSelectPipe
- ImageConfig
- ImageLoader
- ImageLoaderConfig
- ImagePlaceholderConfig
- importProvidersFrom()
- ImportProvidersSource
- InitialNavigation
- InitialNavigationFeature
- Inject
- inject()
- inject()
- Injectable
- InjectableProvider
- InjectableType
- InjectionToken
- InjectOptions
- Injector
- InjectorType
- InjectSetupWrapper
- InMemoryScrollingFeature
- InMemoryScrollingOptions
- Input
- input
- InputFunction
- InputOptions
- InputOptionsWithoutTransform
- InputOptionsWithTransform
- InputSignal
- InputSignalWithTransform
- IsActiveMatchOptions
- isDevMode()
- isFormArray
- isFormControl
- isFormGroup
- isFormRecord
- isPlatformBrowser()
- isPlatformServer()
- isSignal()
- isStandalone()
- IterableChangeRecord
- IterableChanges
- IterableDiffer
- IterableDifferFactory
- IterableDiffers
- JsonpClientBackend
- JsonpInterceptor
- JsonPipe
- keyframes()
- KeyValue
- KeyValueChangeRecord
- KeyValueChanges
- KeyValueDiffer
- KeyValueDifferFactory
- KeyValueDiffers
- KeyValuePipe
- LoadChildren
- LoadChildrenCallback
- loadTranslations()
- localize package
- localize/init package
- Location
- LocationChangeEvent
- LocationChangeListener
- LocationStrategy
- LocationUpgradeConfig
- LocationUpgradeModule
- LowerCasePipe
- makeEnvironmentProviders()
- makeStateKey()
- mapToCanActivate()
- mapToCanActivateChild()
- mapToCanDeactivate()
- mapToCanMatch()
- mapToResolve()
- MaxLengthValidator
- MaxValidator
- MaybeAsync
- mergeApplicationConfig()
- MessageId
- Meta
- MetadataOverride
- MetaDefinition
- MinLengthValidator
- MinValidator
- MissingTranslationStrategy
- MockAnimationDriver
- MockAnimationPlayer
- MockLocationStrategy
- MockPlatformLocation
- MockPlatformLocationConfig
- model
- ModelFunction
- ModelOptions
- ModelSignal
- ModuleTeardownOptions
- ModuleWithProviders
- Navigation
- NavigationBehaviorOptions
- NavigationCancel
- NavigationCancellationCode
- NavigationEnd
- NavigationError
- NavigationErrorHandlerFeature
- NavigationExtras
- NavigationSkipped
- NavigationSkippedCode
- NavigationStart
- NgClass
- NgComponentOutlet
- NgControl
- NgControlStatus
- NgControlStatusGroup
- NgElement
- NgElementConfig
- NgElementConstructor
- NgElementStrategy
- NgElementStrategyEvent
- NgElementStrategyFactory
- NgFor
- NgForm
- NgForOf
- NgForOfContext
- NgIf
- NgIfContext
- NgIterable
- NgLocaleLocalization
- NgLocalization
- NgModel
- NgModelGroup
- NgModule
- NgModuleRef
- NgOptimizedImage
- NgPlural
- NgPluralCase
- NgProbeToken
- NgSelectOption
- NgStyle
- NgSwitch
- NgSwitchCase
- NgSwitchDefault
- NgTemplateOutlet
- NgZone
- NgZoneOptions
- NoNewVersionDetectedEvent
- NonNullableFormBuilder
- NoopAnimationDriver
- NoopAnimationPlayer
- NoopAnimationsModule
- NoPreloading
- numberAttribute()
- NumberFormatStyle
- NumberSymbol
- NumberValueAccessor
- OnChanges
- OnDestroy
- OnInit
- OnSameUrlNavigation
- Optional
- OutletContext
- Output
- output()
- OutputEmitterRef
- outputFromObservable()
- OutputOptions
- OutputRef
- OutputRefSubscription
- outputToObservable()
- ParamMap
- Params
- PathLocationStrategy
- PatternValidator
- PercentPipe
- Pipe
- PipeTransform
- platform-browser package
- platform-browser-dynamic package
- platform-browser-dynamic/testing package
- platform-browser/animations package
- platform-browser/animations/async package
- platform-browser/testing package
- platform-server package
- platform-server/init package
- platform-server/testing package
- platformBrowser
- platformBrowserDynamic
- platformBrowserDynamicTesting
- platformBrowserTesting
- PlatformConfig
- platformCore
- PlatformLocation
- PlatformRef
- platformServer
- platformServerTesting
- PlatformState
- Plural
- PopStateEvent
- Predicate
- PreloadAllModules
- PreloadingFeature
- PreloadingStrategy
- provideAnimations()
- provideAnimationsAsync()
- provideClientHydration()
- provideCloudflareLoader
- provideCloudinaryLoader
- provideHttpClient()
- provideHttpClientTesting()
- provideImageKitLoader
- provideImgixLoader
- provideLocationMocks()
- provideNetlifyLoader()
- provideNoopAnimations()
- provideProtractorTestingSupport()
- Provider
- provideRouter()
- ProviderToken
- provideServerRendering()
- provideServiceWorker()
- provideZoneChangeDetection()
- Query
- query()
- QueryList
- QueryParamsHandling
- RadioControlValueAccessor
- RangeValueAccessor
- ReactiveFormsModule
- reflectComponentType()
- registerLocaleData()
- renderApplication()
- Renderer2
- RendererFactory2
- RendererStyleFlags2
- RendererType2
- renderModule()
- RequestMatch
- RequiredValidator
- resetFakeAsyncZone()
- ResolveData
- ResolveEnd
- ResolveFn
- resolveForwardRef()
- ResolveStart
- Route
- RouteConfigLoadEnd
- RouteConfigLoadStart
- Router
- router package
- router/testing package
- router/upgrade package
- RouterConfigOptions
- RouterConfigurationFeature
- RouteReuseStrategy
- RouterEvent
- RouterFeature
- RouterFeatures
- RouterHashLocationFeature
- RouterLink
- RouterLinkActive
- RouterLinkWithHref
- RouterModule
- RouterOutlet
- RouterOutletContract
- RouterPreloader
- RouterState
- RouterStateSnapshot
- RouterTestingHarness
- RouterUpgradeInitializer
- Routes
- RoutesRecognized
- RunGuardsAndResolvers
- runInInjectionContext()
- SafeHtml
- SafeResourceUrl
- SafeScript
- SafeStyle
- SafeUrl
- SafeValue
- Sanitizer
- SchemaMetadata
- Scroll
- SecurityContext
- SelectControlValueAccessor
- SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor
- Self
- sequence()
- ServerModule
- ServerTestingModule
- service-worker package
- ServiceWorkerModule
- setAngularJSGlobal()
- SetDisabledStateOption
- setTestabilityGetter()
- setUpLocationSync()
- Signal
- signal()
- SimpleChange
- SimpleChanges
- SkipSelf
- SlicePipe
- SpyLocation
- stagger()
- state()
- StateKey
- StaticClassProvider
- StaticClassSansProvider
- StaticProvider
- style()
- SwPush
- SwRegistrationOptions
- SwUpdate
- takeUntilDestroyed()
- TargetMessage
- TemplateRef
- Testability
- TestabilityRegistry
- TestBed
- TestBedStatic
- TestComponentRenderer
- TestEnvironmentOptions
- TestModuleMetadata
- TestRequest
- tick()
- Time
- Title
- TitleCasePipe
- TitleStrategy
- toObservable()
- ToObservableOptions
- toSignal()
- ToSignalOptions
- TrackByFunction
- TransferState
- transition()
- TranslationWidth
- trigger()
- Type
- TypeDecorator
- TypeProvider
- UnrecoverableStateEvent
- untracked()
- UntypedFormArray
- UntypedFormBuilder
- UntypedFormControl
- UntypedFormGroup
- upgrade/static package
- upgrade/static/testing package
- UpgradeComponent
- UpgradeModule
- UpperCasePipe
- UrlCodec
- UrlCreationOptions
- UrlHandlingStrategy
- UrlMatcher
- UrlMatchResult
- UrlSegment
- UrlSegmentGroup
- UrlSerializer
- UrlTree
- useAnimation()
- ValidationErrors
- Validator
- ValidatorFn
- Validators
- ValueEqualityFn
- ValueProvider
- ValueSansProvider
- Version
- VersionDetectedEvent
- VersionEvent
- VersionInstallationFailedEvent
- VersionReadyEvent
- ViewChild
- viewChild
- ViewChildFunction
- ViewChildren
- viewChildren()
- ViewContainerRef
- ViewEncapsulation
- ViewportScroller
- ViewRef
- ViewTransitionInfo
- ViewTransitionsFeature
- ViewTransitionsFeatureOptions
- waitForAsync()
- WeekDay
- withComponentInputBinding()
- withDebugTracing()
- withDisabledInitialNavigation()
- withEnabledBlockingInitialNavigation()
- withFetch()
- withHashLocation()
- withHttpTransferCacheOptions()
- withInMemoryScrolling()
- withInterceptors()
- withInterceptorsFromDi()
- withJsonpSupport()
- withModule()
- withNavigationErrorHandler()
- withNoHttpTransferCache()
- withNoXsrfProtection()
- withPreloading()
- WithProperties
- withRequestsMadeViaParent()
- withRouterConfig()
- withViewTransitions()
- withXsrfConfiguration()
- WritableSignal
- XhrFactory
- NgModuleFactory
- InjectFlags
- getModuleFactory()
- DefaultIterableDiffer
- ComponentFactoryResolver
- defineInjectable
- CompilerFactory
- ModuleWithComponentFactories
- async()
- createNgModuleRef
- ComponentFactory
- Compiler
- ImportedNgModuleProviders
- StateKey
- ApplicationConfig
- makeStateKey
- TransferState
- CanActivate
- CanDeactivate
- CanActivateChild
- CanMatch
- Resolve
- JitCompilerFactory
- upgrade package
- getAngularLib()
- setAngularLib()
- CanLoadFn
- platformDynamicServer
- provideRoutes()
- UpgradeAdapterRef
- isPlatformWorkerApp()
- isPlatformWorkerUi()
- ServerTransferStateModule
- RouterTestingModule
- CanLoad
- UpgradeAdapter
errors (10)
- NG0913: Performance-harming image elements detected at runtime
- NG0203: `inject()` must be called from an injection context such as a constructor, a factory function, a field initializer, or a function used with `runInInjectionContext`.
- NG2003: No suitable injection token for parameter
- NG8003: No directive found with export
- NG5000: Hydration was enabled with unsupported Zone.js instance.
- NG02200: Cannot find a differ for object in ngFor
- NG0500: During hydration, Angular expected a DOM node, but either the actual DOM was different or was not found.
- NG0503: During serialization, Angular detected DOM nodes that were created outside of Angular's context and used for content projection.
- NG0506: NgZone remains unstable after a long period of time
- NG8001: Unknown HTML element or component
guides (122)
- Deprecated APIs and features
- Animation API summary
- Update Angular to v14
- Set the runtime locale
- Angular package format
- Accessibility in Angular
- Add the localize package
- Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation
- Angular CLI builders
- Angular coding style guide
- Angular compiler options
- Angular components overview
- Angular documentation style guide
- Angular elements overview
- Angular Roadmap
- Angular Routing
- Angular service worker introduction
- Angular Signals
- Angular versioning and releases
- AngularJS to Angular concepts: Quick reference
- Animation transitions and triggers
- Attribute directives
- Authoring schematics
- Background processing using web workers
- Basics of testing components
- Building a template-driven form
- Building and serving Angular apps
- Building dynamic forms
- Built-in directives
- Cheat Sheet
- Common Routing Tasks
- Complex animation sequences
- Component Lifecycle
- Component styles
- Component testing scenarios
- Configuring dependency providers
- Content projection
- Creating libraries
- Creating pipes for custom data transformations
- Deferrable Views
- Dependency injection in action
- Directive composition API
- Event binding
- Feature modules
- Format data based on locale
- Generating code using schematics
- Getting started with NgOptimizedImage
- Getting started with standalone components
- Getting started with the Angular CLI's new build system
- Glossary
- Hierarchical injectors
- HTTP - interceptor use-cases
- HTTP - Configure URL parameters
- HTTP - Optimize server interaction with debouncing
- HTTP client - Test requests
- HTTP Server communication
- HTTP: Make a JSONP request
- HTTP: Request data from a server
- Hydration
- Injection context
- Introduction to Angular animations
- Introduction to Angular concepts
- Introduction to components and templates
- Introduction to forms in Angular
- Introduction to modules
- Launching your app with a root module
- Manage marked text with custom IDs
- Merge translations into the application
- Migrate an existing Angular project to standalone
- ModuleWithProviders Migration
- Navigate the component tree with DI
- NgModule API
- NgModule FAQ
- NgZone
- Observables compared to other techniques
- Observables in Angular
- Optimizing client application size with lightweight injection tokens
- Practical observable usage
- Prepare component for translation
- Property binding
- Reactive forms
- Refer to locales by ID
- Resolving zone pollution
- Router reference
- Router tutorial: tour of heroes
- RxJS Interop
- Security
- Server-side rendering
- Service worker communication
- Service worker configuration
- Service worker in production
- Service worker notifications
- Setup for upgrading from AngularJS
- Sharing data between child and parent directives and components
- Signal queries
- Singleton services
- Skipping component subtrees
- Slow computations
- Static query migration guide
- Structural directives
- Testing Utility APIs
- The RxJS library
- Transforming Data Using Pipes
- Transforming data with parameters and chained pipes
- Typed Forms
- TypeScript configuration
- Understanding communicating with backend services using HTTP
- Understanding dependency injection
- Understanding Pipes
- Understanding template variables
- Update Angular to v15
- Update Angular to v16
- Update Angular to v17
- Upgrading for performance
- Upgrading from AngularJS to Angular
- User input
- Using Angular routes in a single-page application
- Using observables for streams of values
- Validating form input
- View encapsulation
- What is Angular?
- Workspace npm dependencies
Last reviewed on Sun Aug 20 2023