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An interface that defines the contract for developing a component outlet for the Router.

See more...

      interface RouterOutletContract {
  isActivated: boolean
  component: Object | null
  activatedRouteData: Data
  activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute | null
  activateEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>
  deactivateEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>
  attachEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>
  detachEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>
  supportsBindingToComponentInputs?: true
activateWith(activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, environmentInjector: EnvironmentInjector): void
deactivate(): void
detach(): ComponentRef<unknown>
attach(ref: ComponentRef<unknown>, activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute): void }

Class implementations

See also


An outlet acts as a placeholder that Angular dynamically fills based on the current router state.

A router outlet should register itself with the Router via ChildrenOutletContexts#onChildOutletCreated and unregister with ChildrenOutletContexts#onChildOutletDestroyed. When the Router identifies a matched Route, it looks for a registered outlet in the ChildrenOutletContexts and activates it.


Property Description
isActivated: boolean

Whether the given outlet is activated.

An outlet is considered "activated" if it has an active component.

component: Object | null

The instance of the activated component or null if the outlet is not activated.

activatedRouteData: Data

The Data of the ActivatedRoute snapshot.

activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute | null

The ActivatedRoute for the outlet or null if the outlet is not activated.

activateEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>

Emits an activate event when a new component is instantiated

deactivateEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>

Emits a deactivate event when a component is destroyed.

attachEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>

Emits an attached component instance when the RouteReuseStrategy instructs to re-attach a previously detached subtree.

detachEvents?: EventEmitter<unknown>

Emits a detached component instance when the RouteReuseStrategy instructs to detach the subtree.

supportsBindingToComponentInputs?: true Read-Only

Used to indicate that the outlet is able to bind data from the Router to the outlet component's inputs.

When this is undefined or false and the developer has opted in to the feature using withComponentInputBinding, a warning will be logged in dev mode if this outlet is used in the application.


Called by the Router when the outlet should activate (create a component).

      activateWith(activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, environmentInjector: EnvironmentInjector): void
activatedRoute ActivatedRoute
environmentInjector EnvironmentInjector


A request to destroy the currently activated component.

      deactivate(): void

There are no parameters.



When a RouteReuseStrategy indicates that an ActivatedRoute should be removed but stored for later re-use rather than destroyed, the Router will call detach instead.

Called when the RouteReuseStrategy instructs to detach the subtree.

      detach(): ComponentRef<unknown>

There are no parameters.



This is similar to deactivate, but the activated component should not be destroyed. Instead, it is returned so that it can be reattached later via the attach method.

Called when the RouteReuseStrategy instructs to re-attach a previously detached subtree.

      attach(ref: ComponentRef<unknown>, activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute): void
ref ComponentRef<unknown>
activatedRoute ActivatedRoute
