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This is the archived documentation for Angular v17. Please visit to see this page for the current version of Angular.


An injectable HammerJS Manager for gesture recognition. Configures specific event recognition.

      class HammerGestureConfig {
  events: string[]
  overrides: {...}
  options?: {...}
buildHammer(element: HTMLElement): HammerInstance }


Property Description
events: string[]

A set of supported event names for gestures to be used in Angular. Angular supports all built-in recognizers, as listed in HammerJS documentation.

overrides: { [key: string]: Object; }

Maps gesture event names to a set of configuration options that specify overrides to the default values for specific properties.

The key is a supported event name to be configured, and the options object contains a set of properties, with override values to be applied to the named recognizer event. For example, to disable recognition of the rotate event, specify {"rotate": {"enable": false}}.

Properties that are not present take the HammerJS default values. For information about which properties are supported for which events, and their allowed and default values, see HammerJS documentation.

options?: { cssProps?: any; domEvents?: boolean; enable?: boolean | ((manager: any) => boolean); preset?: any[]; touchAction?: string; recognizers?: any[]; inputClass?: any; inputTarget?: EventTarget; }

Properties whose default values can be overridden for a given event. Different sets of properties apply to different events. For information about which properties are supported for which events, and their allowed and default values, see HammerJS documentation.


Creates a HammerJS Manager and attaches it to a given HTML element.

      buildHammer(element: HTMLElement): HammerInstance
element HTMLElement

The element that will recognize gestures.


HammerInstance: A HammerJS event-manager object.